

On Saturday 3rd June, MLA undertook an office wide running challenge ‘Locks, socks & two smoking trainers, The MLA 100K’. A team of 33 runners ran in relay teams from Bowling in Dunbartonshire to Lochrin Basin in Edinburgh along the Forth & Clyde and Union Canals, a 63.5 mile (100k!) route with a combined total distance of 312 miles.

Although it was a very early start, some amazing organisation and our fantastic support crews made sure the day ran smoothly and it was a memorable way for us all to raise money for three charities that have a special meaning to many of us at MLA and no doubt to many others as well:

Our grateful thanks to everyone who has sponsored the team, helping us to smash our target of £4,500 which will be divided equally between the selected charities.

You can still donate online at our Virgin Giving page and any sponsorship is gratefully received :

Well done to all who took part and our thanks to all who have supported us!