
Recently submitted for planning, MLA’s masterplan for the redevelopment of the historic Auction Mart site grows the village of Newtown St Boswells with a mixture of uses and zones to encourage a healthy and diverse community. With a flexibility that allows for the future extension of the Borders Railway and a re-instated station, the transport infrastructure draws heavy Auction Mart traffic away from the historic village centre and residential areas by creating a new access point from the A68. This also allows for expansion to the east side of the main road.

The proposals keep the Auction Mart however redistribute the land around it to create an attractive efficient village centre, with town and market squares surrounded by a mix of retail, leisure, commercial and residential uses which re-instate the community gathering spaces lost when the railway closed.

  • Client: H&H Group Plc

  • Location: Scottish Borders

Newtown St Boswells