Originally a Church, Bible House was bought by The Scottish Bible Society (SBS) in 1974 and was remodelled into an operational HQ at that time.
More recently, consideration was made to re-locate to a more modern office space; however, the pros and cons of this option were evaluated, and a decision was made to investigate the refurbishment/remodelling of Bible House.
MLA completed an initial feasibility exercise to give SBS greater direction in defining and developing a refined brief for what their workplace should look like and how it should operate. MLA carried out a further high level but comprehensive feasibility exercise that looked at the potential design opportunities within their current premises.
SBS wanted to create a rationalised and flexible open plan workspace alongside improved shared collaborative spaces for visitors and staff. This is considered a significant long term investment for SBS that will future proof the building for years to come and become a catalyst in changing how they work.
Client: Scottish Bible Society
Location: Hampton Terrace, Edinburgh