Seeking a more efficient and effective use of their office accommodation, The Church of Scotland appointed MLA as Workplace Advisor to undertake a feasibility study and analysis of their office in Edinburgh to determine the quantity of space required and in what configuration to support the National Office moving forward .
A key part of MLA’s role was to facilitate a programme of leadership and staff consultation to establish the vision and desired outcome for future office arrangements. This took into account the desired working environment, working practices, ICT and storage.
MLA produced indicative space planning options demonstrating how the current office could be reconfigured to support them in the future. MLA were further appointed to complete the Stage 2 Concept Design.
The review and concept design provided sound data to facilitate decision-making, supporting the Church of Scotland to plan and understand the budget requirements for future changes to its office, thus ensuring that the functions of the national office, are accommodated in fit-for-purpose offices which constitute value for money.
Consultancy activities
- Stakeholder workshops and interviews
- Observational studies & building appraisal
- Agreeing relevant precedents / benchmarks
- Creation of space budget & indicative space planning
- Strategic brief development
Client: The Church of Scotland
Location: George Street Edinburgh