
Ovo Glasgow

Designing a 'Magnet Workspace'

Bringing employees together for the ‘magic moments’ captured in a physical space was Ovo’s aspiration for their new Glasgow hub. Creating a ‘magnet workspace’ the design is relaxed, informal, and has an inviting home-from-home, look and feel.

Man in green shirt stepping onto a meeting space platform with a group of people sitting chatting in the background

Fostering Teamwork

Supporting Ovo’s flexible working policy, fostering teamwork, and a positive work culture were key to the success of the project. 

To promote interaction and well-being, the workspace was designed to be light, bright, flexible and fun. With a variety of environments, there is plenty of choice; but the focus is on connection and collaboration.

Each floor has a mix of desking, worktables, quiet, breakout, and touchdown spaces. And for well-being, additional employee-focused features include a faith room, games rooms and chill out zones. 

Two men working at desks and chairs in foreground and group of women talking together at table in background

Encouraging Connection

Incorporating a bold staircase in the upper floors connects the team and encourages movement. A focal point of the design, ceilings and floors were opened to create the space required.

Bespoke nooks were created under the stair, making use of irregular spaces. And adding a range of fun touchdown and landing spaces around the stairwell, made it the centrepiece of each floor.

Using the brand’s signature green, colour floods the stairwell and continues across the floor for a contrast effect. 


A combination of images showing some hand drawings and some technical elements of a staircase design
Diagram of four floors with space cut through for staircase
Bench style seating at the front of an office space with staircase behind

Creating a Fun Environment

Branded and playful elements have been added to reflect OVO’s refreshed identity. The swing seat meeting desk, link and loop seating and spinning-top inspired chairs, all add unexpected flourishes of fun! 


Man sitting on a swinging seat in foreground with office desks behind

Workplace Culture

Inspired by local landmarks, city culture and Ovo’s Glasgow music venue, quirky feature rooms have been added.

Bold graphic artwork adds colour and warmth in meeting rooms and open plan areas. Art in the workspace is known to improve mood and performance. Increasing productivity and creativity whilst also reducing stress, art enriches workplace interiors.

Meeting room with black wall and silver writing saying

Social Space

Descending to the café area on the lower floor, a large staircase and walkway runs across the back wall and around the side. Space underneath the stair has been utilised to provide semi-private booths in an otherwise open plan area.  

A vast hand-painted botanic mural adds depth and visual interest to the back wall. 



Men seated at cafe table with large green botanical mural on the wall behind

Event Space

Lowered wooden beams at the far end representing the roof of a home, delineate a flexible space for events and presentations. A multi-functional space for the team, customers and guests, it provides a great opportunity for relationship building. 


Decorative windwills beside window on right and long table to the left. Event space behind with large green screen.

Vibrant Office

The result is a vibrant, welcoming space with an emphasis on community. Achieving the sociable, collaborative space they envisioned; Ovo have the perfect Glasgow hub for their team.

Green loop sofa in the foreground and a variety of furniture and office pods with people lounging or standing in the spaces